Original Koshi Chimes - 4 Elements - Water, Fire, Air, Earth
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Posts tagged 'element'

Koshi Aria with Koshi Terra together - Air and Earth Sound Sample

2024-02-24 10:22:00

Koshi Aria with Koshi Terra  together -  Air and Earth - Connection, Balance & Growth. Listen to our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of the Koshis chimes. You can hear the Koshi Aria and Koshi Terra playing together. We call this our Yoga/Sound Healer Set. You should not miss it.

Koshi Aqua with Koshi Ignis together - Water and Fire Sound Sample

2024-02-22 20:57:00

Koshi Aqua with Koshi Ignis together - Water and Fire -Transformation, Fusion & Passion. Enjoy our exclusive sound samples and delve into the sound of the Koshis chimes. Listen to the sound of transformation and Passion.

How many different Koshi Chimes are there?

2023-11-17 19:55:00

The Harmonious World of Koshi Chimes: Exploring Elemental Healing through Fire, Earth, Air, and Water

The Sacred Element of Water: Unveiling its Significance for Sound Healing, Astrology, Elemental Energy, and the Feminine Spirit

2023-11-16 12:21:00

Water, one of the fundamental elements of nature, holds deep symbolism and significance. Let us discover the Koshi Aqua which represents the Element Water together. Sound Sample included.